What is Forest School?
The Benefits
Schools across the UK are realising the benefits that Forest School can bring.
Taking small groups of children into a woodland environment for half-day sessions once a week over a period of several weeks creates a sense of achievement, improves concentration and encourages social interaction among participating children.
With guidance from our trained Forest School Leaders, children improve their self-esteem and self confidence through a wide range of activities, they learn valuable life skills, about managing risks, and about the natural world.
Above all they develop new skills at their own pace which gives them a confidence that can be translated to the classroom environment. At Forest Quest, we deliver Forest School programmes which achieve these principles and create a fun and exciting environment in which children flourish.
Follow up
Forest School provides an excellent opportunity for teachers and parents to follow up their children's experience and draw out some of the vivid experiences they have enjoyed.
Children get the most out of Forest School sessions if they attend over several weeks, and ideally over several seasons. Forest School is most beneficial where there is a high adult to children ratio. Children are encouraged to proceed at their own pace and to pursue the activities that interest them most, this improves their self-esteem and self confidence in practical activities, and we have found that this improves their self-esteem and concentration back in the classroom.

Forest School with Forest Quest
- We recommend repeat sessions - half a day each week for 6 weeks works well.
- We recommend sessions held in our wood.
- We can accommodate a full class of children, usually organising them into groups of 8-12 children each with one of our Forest School Leaders.
- We provide a range of activities appropriate to the children's age.
- Over the weeks, as the childrens' confidence grows, they have an increasing degree of freedom to explore and follow their own interests.
- Depending on your facilities we can deliver regular Forest School at your school.
- Contact us for availability and prices.