Videos of Forest School Activities to do at Home.
During the lockdown we couldn’t get into the woods for Forest School and we knew our regular attendees were missing the wood, so we created a set of films of Forest School ideas for them to do in thegarden. Have a look, have a go, and send us photos of anything you do linked to these, or indeed any Forest School ideas, and we’ll post them here. Enjoy!
And here are some of your lovely pictures (keep sending them in!):
Make at Home Kit.
We’ve also come up with a little forest wood cookie craft set, which we thought might be fun for children. It contains three wooden discs and items needed to make a hanging decoration, a bouncing spring chick, and something of your own choice – ideas given on the instruction sheet. The only things you need to provide are felt pens or paint, glue and scissors (see the pictures). They are just £3.50 including 2nd class large letter postage.
children's completed discs.